2nd Virtual IVSM is going to be held in November.
Innovation of Machine Vision Market never stops and its technology requires more speed and reliability with secure network.
Machine Vision Standard committees have collaborated and conducted a virtual IVSM in May this year to support the Standard innovation.
This resulted enormous progress and made challenges clear for future developments.
The Standard chairs invite machine vision folks again to Virtual IVSM standard meeting from Nov.1st to 28th, 2020.
Below schedule is initial framework and will be updated with specific dates become available.
If you are a committee member, please register through your Technical Committee’s trac site.
For the Future Standards Forum (FSF), there is a link directly on the schedule below.
These meetings are generally only available for people who have signed up for the particular committee(except FSF).
However, if you are not a member of and are interested in attending, please contact the Standards Manager from appropriate Association.
Also you may obtain necessary information to join these Technical Committees from appropriate association web pages.
Standards Managers for each Association:
AIA: Bob McCurrach
EMVA: Werner Feith
VDMA: Suprateek Banerjee
CMVU: Yun Huo
JIIA: Masahito Watanabe
Schedule: In the list below, the standards name is followed by its host Association. The meeting buttons below are linked to the Association’s standards main page (except for FSF).