
2023/12/16 Seminar report

[Held] JIIA Technical Seminar 2nd, 2023

JIIA held the seminar introducing the research and support activities of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Machine Industry to develop new businesses in the agriculture and food industries.

The Economic Research Institute of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Machine Industry reported the status and future possibilities of introducing robots into agriculture and food products, and the Technical Reserch Institute reported an introduction to the activities to support the creation of new businesses in the manufacturing industry in the agriculture and food products fields.

1. schedule: October 26 (Thu), 2023
2. Location: Seminar: Meeting room 6D-4 on the sixth floor of Kikai Shinko Kaikanand web conference by WebEx

3. Lecture
(1) 13:05~14:15 『食のダイバシティ(多様性)維持のためのロボット活用』
  一般財団法人 機械振興協会 経済研究所 調査研究部 森 直子 様
(2) 14:25~15:35 『異業種連携で新事業創出 ~中小製造業支援~』
  一般財団法人 機械振興協会 理事 技術研究所次長 木村 利明 様

Documents of this semiar can be downloaed from the link below.
But please coution these documets are in Japanese.
