
How to apply for membership

If you would like to be a member, please fill out and submit the Application Form for Admission.
Membership Type is describe in the membership type page, please select the menu on the right side menu bar.

If you do not have a company or organization's website, please upload the company or organization's profile from the form.

In principle, the personal information provided shall not be used for any purpose other than the purpose of establishment and subsequent management and use of the Association, unless otherwise approved by the applicants.
In addition, we will strictly handle the personal information in accordance with laws and regulations regarding the protection of personal information and the basics of compliance.

Please use the membership application form on the Japanese site to apply for membership.
Please access the Japanese site from the link below. Website-builtin translating function would be useful.

How to change the registered member information

When the registered information, such as company name, address, contact person and etc., of your compamy has changed, please infrom us by the following method.
We will check the infromation and get back to you.

  • Members who applied for membership by paper form before June, 2023
  • Please apply for the latest information from the membership application form below using the same procedure for new membership.
    Please caution the membership application site is written in Japanese, so website-builtin translating function would be useful.

  • Members who applied for membership from website after June, 2023 or Member who has already registered company information into My Page.
  • Please login the My Page, "Edit" the new infromation, then "Send".
