Membership type

Regular Member

  • An applicant must be a joint stock company or other legal entity that agrees with the purpose of the association and is engaged in the industrial image-related field in Japan or overseas.
  • Regular Members shall have each one voting right at a resolution of the General Assembly.
  • Regular Members shall also have the right to nominate candidates for directors and candidates for special membership in addition to the rights provided for in the Act on General Incorporated Associations and General Incorporated Foundations, and to participate in the Committees and Working Groups.

Supportive Member

  • An applicant must be a joint stock company or other legal entity that agrees with the purpose of the association and is engaged in the industrial image-related field in Japan and overseas.
  • Supportive members shall not have a voting right in a resolution of the General Assembly.
  • Supportive members shall have the right to participate in the Working Groups.

Special Member

  • An applicant must be a joint stock company, other legal entity or individual that agrees with the purpose of the association and intends to cooperate with the business and must be recommended by the Member as a person who has experience and knowledge in the industrial imaging field.
  • Special members shall not have a voting right at a resolution of the General Assembly.
  • Special members shall have the right to participate as observers in the Working Groups.

Admission and annual membership fees

Admission fee

  • Regular/Supportive Member 100,000 yen
  • Special Member 10,000 yen

Annual membership fee

Sales in the industrial imaging field (annual) Regular Member Supportive Member
less than 100 million yen 100,000 yen 50,000 yen
100 million yen or more and less than 500 million yen 200,000 yen 100,000 yen
500 million yen or more 300,000 yen 150,000 yen

  • If you join between October and March, the annual membership fee for the first year will be 50% of the above amount.
  • Before joining

      Admission shall be determined after a review and approval by the Board of Directors to determine whether the member meets the qualifications and requirements set forth in the Code.