The Gidel HawkEye frame grabber family provides a powerful and flexible infrastructure required to realize demanding Vision and Imaging applications.
The HawkEye series offers a number of options to accommodate the diverse application needs starting from plug-and-play high-performance frame grabbers to a full system solution comprising acquisition, on-FPGA image processing and image compression, and flexible custom camera interface.
Off-the-shelf HawkEye solutions include support for CoaXPress, Camera Link and MIPI cameras.
The HawkEye is supported by Gidel’s Vision SDK and development tools comprising ProcFG and InfiniVision GUI applications, API libraries, application examples, and the Proc Dev kit for efficient development on FPGA.
Key Features HawkEye-CXP for up to 4 links of CoaXPress PoCXP-6
Acquisition rate up to 25 Gb/s
PCIe x8, Gen. 3 host interface
Image buffer of up to 16 GB
PCIe low-profile form factor
Support for Power over cable: PoCXP
Option for on-board image processing and image compression (JPEG and Lossless)
JIIA CXPR-001-2011 Electrical Compliance Test Specification for JIIA CoaXPress Standard(2011-10-28)
CXP-ECTR-2019060301 Date: 2019.06.03
JIIA CXPR-002-2011 Interoperability Compliance Test Specification (Interroperability CTS) for JIIA CoaXPress Standard ver 0.3(2011-10-20)
CXP-IOTR-2019110903 Date: 2019.11.09
